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Trendy 人氣熱話
By Daphne on 26 Jul 2018
Senior Editor


Hello Everyone! I believe many people have been waiting for here I am, proud and extremely excited to announce that YES, I AM ENGAGED! Kevin and I have been dating for over 3 years and there was never a doubt in my mind that he was THE ONE! So when he popped the question last Christmas, the answer was a definite YES! We both feel incredibly blessed to have one another and we believe this is the perfect time for the two of us to take our relationship to the next level! Lately there have been many rumors about us, and aside from Kevin and I getting married, the rest of the rumors are not true! I hope everyone understands and can respect our privacy from here on out. That aside, I sincerely want to thank all the amazing people who took the time to send their blessings and well wishes to us! Most importantly, we want to thank our families, for showing the most unconditional support to us. We love you so much. ❤️

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其實由一開始傳出戀情的時候,無論是外界,甚至連陳凱琳(Grace)的家人也對這 pair 相差22年的「父女戀」不看好!說到底,鄭嘉穎只是比陳凱琳的爸爸少幾歲,觀感上的確可能有點奇怪。

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殭 4:11✌?️

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原來 Grace 正正就被鄭嘉穎的成熟穩重深深吸引,畢竟女生不多不少也會對比自己有閱歷的男人有所憧憬吧!鄭嘉穎在拍攝期間不但常常主動照顧劇組人員,因為知道 Grace 喜歡吃糖,更在當地買了不同顏色的糖果給她選擇,就是這種不造作又貼心的舉動深深打動 Grace 的心!

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而且鄭嘉穎一向也是大家心目中的「無腳雀仔」,更與不少花旦如王馨平、周麗淇和佘詩曼等有過一段情,更不時被拍到食煙、飲酒和蒲吧的照片,難怪來自名門望族的 Grace 家人對他有所保留。不過為了證明自己的認真,鄭嘉穎為了 Grace 更決定戒煙戒酒、戒蒲,用行動證明決心,最後成功打動 Grace 家人!

? I can finally use this emoji!

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幾乎每幅合照都能看出他們到底有多sweet,這時候真的想起了「旁人從不贊同,連情理也不容,仍全情投入......」!Grace 的一句:「我一早已視他為我的Mr. Right,並朝著結婚方向發展。」

請支持保良局兒童助養計劃! ?☺️? Thank you thank you!

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Text: Girl Editorial
Photo Source: instagram

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