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Trendy 人氣熱話
By Daphne on 27 Feb 2019
Senior Editor

雖然 2019 奧斯卡已經完滿落幕,不過作為史上第一屆沒有主持人的頒獎典禮依然亮點滿滿!其中一個焦點想必一定是身穿藕粉色絨面套裝登場、超有少女心的水行俠 Jason Mamoa!被譽為行走荷爾蒙的他,配上一頭可愛的微曲髮和招牌甜笑,根本就是一隻大熊寶寶無誤!

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I love u wifey. #Pinkonpink. #lookgood

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原來今次更是 Jason Mamoa 首次參與奧斯卡盛典,憑著《水行俠》(Aquaman)爆紅的他更甜蜜地攜同老婆 Lilakoi Moon 一同見證這個值得紀念的時刻!這次 Jason Mamoa 身穿由「老佛爺」Karl Lagerfeld 打造的 Fendi 訂製的藕粉色西裝表達感謝和尊敬,更輕鬆成為鏡頭捕捉的焦點!與老婆穿著同色系情侶裝步上紅毯的他,絕對比現場的鎂光燈還閃!

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I felt like a KING last night. Because of you my love. So honoured to attend and present at the Oscars. To meet so many talented artist congratulations to every nominee all these amazing films @helenmirren i love you such a honour to stay by your side Also love to send my deepest aloha to @karllagerfeld RIP @silviaventurinifendi @jeanneyangstyle for taking my pink velvet scrunchie and turning it into a suit. Unko KARL your a legend. Mahalo for my first suit And to all my insta homies who always make me the coolest jewelry. Love my rings @bookofalchemy @intothefirejewelry @judicael_sacred_skulls @richardbaggettstudios @leroyswoodentattoos @king_baby_studio @hoboshane @red_rabbit_ia and so many more. Cheeeeeeefuknhuuuuuuuuuu #hhrajahhh. #pinkonpink. Aloha j

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雖然貴為 DC 的一哥,不過水行俠不但毫無架子,而且更化身迷弟反轉奧斯卡後台瘋狂跟巨星們集運,這樣親民可愛的舉動,難怪能讓他俘虜不少少女心啊!(心心眼)

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Me and my QUEENS

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不過另一個焦點,相信一定是他終於跟於《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》(A Song of Ice and Fire)的昔日搭檔「龍母」(Emilia Clarke)再度於奧斯卡後台同框的畫面!今次再次合體的他們,更一同擔任頒獎嘉賓,讓不少粉絲大呼好感動!

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So proud of you @emilia_clarke I love u with all my heart Aloha Drogo

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Jason Momoa 與奧斯卡影后海倫美雲(Helen Mirren)出場頒發最佳紀錄片,頑皮的 Jason 更於後台拍下短片,讓大家一睹一眾「小金人」獎座!

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Jason Momoa 根本以迷弟身份參加奧斯卡吧!誰來提醒他他自己也是一粒巨星呢?(笑)

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Its just started. I’m going wild tonight cheeeehuuuuuuuuuuu. #freesolo. I’m coming for u @jimmychin aloha j

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Jason 在完結了頒獎典禮之後更發佈了一段小花絮,超可愛的~

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New YouTube episode. Link in bio Our first Oscars. Mahalo to @jeanneyangstyle @silviaventurinifendi @karllagerfeld @fendi u killed it bud. Aloha j.

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Text: Girls Editorial
Photo Source: instagram

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