呢個男人真係不得了!雷神與老婆相愛9年越愛越深,盤點Chris Hemsworth10句融化人心浪漫寵妻語錄!
《復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰》正在熱映當中,上映短短兩星期就已經成為影史上全球票房第二名,造成全球熱話~~除了電影爆紅之外,幾位主演的超級英雄人氣更是一時無兩!35歲澳洲演員Chris Hemsworth因出演「雷神索爾」爆紅全球,外表俊朗的他有著191cm的身高和讓人血脈賁張的壯實肌肉,簡直迷死人不償命!
身為全球最性感的男人之一,Chris私底下卻是一個不折不扣的愛妻好老公!他與比自己大7歲的老婆Elsa Pataky結婚9年多,育有三名子女。眼中只有嬌妻的Chris,更會不時於社交網站上上載二人的甜蜜合照,在公開活動中也是不吝嗇各種親吻摟抱,不難看出這對夫妻的深厚穩定感情!
#「From the first time we met, we just made sense. She’s fun. She’s outgoing, and she has a sense of humour and a passionate attitude toward life, which is nice to try and keep up with.」
#「Each week I find something different, more I love about her. It continues to grow, which is a great thing.」
#「Watching her be a mother made me fall even more in love with her.」
#「All of a sudden I had a greater appreciation for my wife, she kind of came into her own when we had kids. She certainly keeps me sane. I complain about things, she gets on with it.」
#「Elsa, gives me confidence and makes me look good. She tells me how to dress. She gets me ready for the red carpet.」
#「Heading to the golden globes, look at my hot date !! 」
#「I'm a cheap date so I only take my wife to movies where I can get free tickets.」
#「Happy birthday to the worlds best wife, greatest mum and all round stunning human!! Love you loads and thanks for letting me help blow out the candles.」
#「It was really hot this day and she looks really hot..as in beautiful .」
#「Happy international women’s day to my beautiful wife , daughter, Mum and all the incredible women out there for their strength, compassion and courage to make the world a better place and let’s not forget that the women of tomorrow are being grown and nurtured among the children of today!」
#「Dear Melbourne, thanks for the hospitality, you're beautiful and amazing, just like this hot chick I'm hangin with, love u both 」
Text:GirlStyle editorial
Photo Source:Pinterest,Twitter