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女示威者被捕時走光!連登仔發起全民私訊Emma Watson作聲援,炮轟不尊重女性望國際能關注!

女示威者被捕時走光!連登仔發起全民私訊Emma Watson作聲援,炮轟不尊重女性望國際能關注!

Trendy 人氣熱話
By Sammi on 06 Aug 2019
Senior Editor

近兩個月香港都持續有不同的集會、遊行及示威等反修例抗爭,行動也出現多區包圍警署,4日天水圍警署被示威者包圍期間,一名女示威者被警員制服,更由多名防暴警將女示威者抬入警署,期間被抬走時卻不慎内褲鬆脫導致下身走光,照片一出,瞬間引來外界高度關注,炮轟此舉不尊重女性!有連登仔聯合一眾香港網民,私訊聯合國婦女署親善大使Emma Watson,望得到Emma Watson出面幫助!


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該名少女被捕時的相片曝光後,瞬間引起外界高度關注,很多網民都馬上炮轟,認為此行為是公然羞辱女性!有見及此,連登仔發起全民私訊給聯合國婦女署親善大使Emma Watson,以聲援女示威者,同時望事件我到國際女權組織的關注!

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連登仔發私訊給Emma Watson全文如下:

「Hello Emma,

We're writing to express concern over an incident involving the violation of female rights that has just happened in Hong Kong. As you may have noticed, Hong Kongers are currently experiencing police brutality on a daily basis during the process of fighting against the extradition bill imposed by the HK government. Earlier just now a female protestor was arrested near a local police station, during which her pants were violently ripped off against her will. The police officers made no attempt to protect her privacy which was unacceptable on any level. Since the beginning of the protests in June not one of our local feminist organizations have stood out for female rights.

We are in desperate times and sincerely seek your help in raising international concern over this matter as we can foresee more incidents like this one are going to happen in the near future if nothing is done to stop police brutality. Thanks a lot for your time!

A group of concerned Hong Kongers」



私訊的內容大概提及香港現時處於絕望的狀態,並指出香港警員在公開場合驅捕示威者時令她私處暴露於公眾,此行為構成公然侵犯人權,望Emma Watson看到訊息後,可藉由她以聯合國婦女署親善大使的身份,對女性這種不尊重行為作出聲援,以提高國際關注!

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Emma Watson(@emmawatson)分享的貼文 張貼

有網民也建議可把此訊息同時發送至不同的外國女權關注者,如美國歌手Taylor Swift、美國著名主持人Ellen Lee DeGeneres等等,以令此事得到更多人聲援。

28歲的Emma Watson不時為女權發聲,一向力挺兩性平等,形象正面的她更早在2014年被獲選為聯合國婦女署的全球親善大使,早前更曾以親善大使身份受到邀請出席G7(七大工業國組織)峰會,與政界等人士一起討論推動平權等相關議題!




Text: GirlStyle editorial 

Photo Source: Instagram, Instagram@Emma Watson, Pinterest

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