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Trendy 人氣熱話
By Sherry on 14 Dec 2018

結婚對於女生來說絕對是數一數二的人生大事,而求婚過程更是刻骨銘心的難忘回憶,一定會記住一輩子的,不知道大家又有沒有幻想過男友求婚時的情景呢?在美國就有一名男模特兒的求婚方式震驚網民,不少人都說「男生看到絕對會被逼瘋」、「女生看到絕對會一秒SAY YES」,而這位男模為女友準備的驚喜竟然是以「6款鑽戒」求婚!

螢幕快照 2018-12-13 下午5.17.54

這位外型高大帥氣的美國男模特兒Dennis Brown II為了向女友Atara Dallas求婚,精心策劃了一場充滿心思的求婚計劃,求婚場地佈置不但親自構思,更請來攝影師、造型師等多個專業團隊協助,務求呈現一個最完美的求婚驚喜給女友,貼心程度絕對值得讚賞~

不過讓大家最驚訝的還要是Dennis Brown II新穎的求婚方式,當他向女友單膝下跪的瞬間其實已經讓對方感到相當開心,Atara Dallas臉上完全是難掩喜悅之情,畢竟能得到心愛的另一半如此真誠的求婚,一定十分感動~

而當Dennis Brown II打開放著鑽戒的紅色心型小盒時,最驚喜的瞬間就出現了!相信包括當事人Atara Dallas在內,誰也想不到內裏竟放著6款不同款式的巨型鑽戒,這也太狂了吧!
螢幕快照 2018-12-13 下午5.07.35

原來Dennis Brown II為怕自己挑選到女友不喜歡的戒指款式,特意準備6款鑽戒給女友選擇,讓她慢慢挑選,網民都說:「這絕對貼心得有點可怕!」~不過對Dennis Brown II而言,他只表示:「我的女王值得我為她獻上6種鑽戒求婚,這是我決定與她攜手走一輩子的誠意!」,女生們聽到這樣感性的表白想必也會立刻點頭SAY YES!

螢幕快照 2018-12-13 下午5.10.41

除了這樣求婚的方式充滿心思之外,剛剛提到的婚禮場地佈置,Dennis Brown II亦特意在一個巨型的白色版面上印上滿載誠意的字句~

 “Today, on your special day I had the pleasure of putting a smile on your face all day.

“For there is no greater gift that I could think to give you.

“A woman, whose heart is full of love and devotion to me, a woman whose loyalty to all those she loves stands unmatched, a woman whose generosity and willingness to help others around her flourish knows no depths.

“A woman who single-handedly made me believe that a soulmate, a lover, a prayer warrior, a confidant and a best friend could be wrapped up in one amazingly beautiful soul that was handcrafted for me.

“That’s why today I wanted to give you the greatest gift that I could ever give you … my heart and soul completely, unwavering and all yours … will you accept and hold my hand in yours through this journey?”

螢幕快照 2018-12-13 下午5.18.05

有網民就笑言Dennis Brown II簡直就是男人的公敵,把這求婚標準推到這樣高,也太傷人吧,真的要是多金才能辦到,亦有人留下「女友應該想6顆鑽戒都要吧」、「史上最狂放閃方法」等等留言,小編就覺得這些儀式最重要的都是為了向最心愛的另一半許下終生承諾,有時額外的物慾加持也可以豐儉由人,畢竟聽到男友求婚也是很開心的!

Text Girls editorial

Photo Sourcepinterest, instagram@natevealphotography

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