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最暖的巨人!感激御用替身16年來為他摔斷骨頭、韌帶,THE ROCK決定送他一份重量級大禮!

最暖的巨人!感激御用替身16年來為他摔斷骨頭、韌帶,THE ROCK決定送他一份重量級大禮!

Beauty 美妝
By Daphne on 02 Aug 2018
Senior Editor

相信大家對於 THE ROCK 的印象,一定是位感覺硬綁綁的鐵漢吧!

therock(@therock)分享的貼文 張貼

雖然擁有完全不合乎人體工學的爆肌身材和粗獷的外表,不過在鐵漢的身軀下卻住了一顆暖得讓人融化的內心!在荷里活圈中出名人緣好的 THE ROCK,不但常常親力親為做善事,而且也很提攜和愛護後輩,這次又出招了!

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有留意 THE ROCK 的朋友,應該都知道只要有 THE ROCK 出現的電影,當中都不乏驚險的特技、打鬥場面。從2002年的《魔蠍大帝》、到票房大賣的《玩命關頭》系列、《加州大地震》、《野蠻遊戲:瘋狂叢林》、《毀滅大作戰》等等,每一部都超需要極佳的體能才可完成這些刺激的場面!當中當然也少不免有特技替身的上陣,才讓這些特技場面看起來更有張力、更實在啊!

Tanoai Reed(@samoanstuntman)分享的貼文 張貼

而由 2002 年開始作為 THE ROCK 御用替身的 Tanoai Reed,幾乎每一部有 THE ROCK 的電影也一定看到他的蹤影!不但外型、身材也酷似 THE ROCK,而且身手也相當靈敏,絕對是 THE ROCK 特技替身的不二人選!更奇妙的是, Tanoai Reed 原來同時也是 THE ROCK 的表兄弟,兩人關係相當微妙!

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而 Tanoai Reed 這些年來為了完成 THE ROCK 的精彩特技場面,不但曾經摔斷骨頭,韌帶甚至還曾經斷裂,雖然專業又精彩的特技場面為他帶來特技演員獎項的殊榮,不過這些皮肉之痛絕對只有 Tanoai Reed 自己才最明瞭!


THE ROCK 其實一直也很感激 Tanoai Reed 的付出,這些年來為完成專業特技場面的努力和犧牲,不但讓 THE ROCK 相當敬佩,也讓他非常感動!

SURPRISE! I love handing over keys?? I love you brother and enjoy your new truck! Over the course of my career, my stunt double (and cousin) Tanoai Reed @samoanstuntman has broken multiple bones, severed tendons, torn ligaments & just been an overall dominating bad ass achieving several “Stuntman of the Year” honors. All done with one goal in mind - deliver the best movie possible to the world. I had this custom pick up truck delivered just in time to surprise him (he’s still recovering from a stunt injury) while we give what he thought was going to be an interview about our careers together. As you’ll see the moment I put my hands on my hips, that’s the drivers cue to pull away and reveal the big surprise. Not only does Tanoai represent our family and my career with relentless commitment and passion. He also represents an entire Hollywood stunt community that is truly the backbone of our business. Love you uso and thank you for the blood, sweat, tears and years. We’re just getting started. Enjoy your new truck! #LetsRoll ??

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為了感謝 Tanoai Reed 的付出, THE ROCK 更和拍攝團隊串通要給 Tanoai Reed 一個大驚喜!當 Tanoai Reed 以為鏡頭是在拍攝幕後花絮的時候,其實 THE ROCK 早已串通拍攝團隊,並示意當他雙手叉腰時就讓司機把擋住「驚喜」的車子開走,原來 THE ROCK 準備了一輛超帥的新車給 Tanoai Reed! Tanoai Reed 看到禮物之後相當驚喜,兩人最後還擁作一團,場面感動又溫馨~

想不到 THE ROCK 除了是位鐵漢之餘,心思亦相當細密呢!

Text: Girl Editorial
Photo Source: instagram

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