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Health and Fitness 健康瘦身
By Daphne on 12 Mar 2019
Senior Editor

體重,對於每個女生來說也許都是一個充滿禁忌的數字!(笑)彷彿大家都覺得體重愈輕,體態就愈完美似的?更有不少女生追求 A4 腰、螞蟻腰、反手摸肚臍等「絕活」,絕對要逼瘋大家無誤!不過以下這位來自美國的辣媽將會告訴大家:體重根本不代表甚麼!

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這位美國知名健身部落客 Kelsey Wells 跟一眾女生一樣,都相當在意自己的體重上的數字!其實在還沒有生產之前,Kelsey 跟大多數的少女一樣擁有著纖瘦的身材,不過在生產過後,體重一下跳升至 66 kg,之前買下來的緊身牛仔褲通通不再合穿,讓愛美的 Kelsey 不得不下定決心減重!

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在減肥期間,作為健身部落客的 Kelsey 一直都有在個人 instagram 上記錄低整個瘦身的過程,結果當然也沒有讓人失望!她由剛剛生產完的 66 kg 一下子就減到 54 kg,身材就好像回復到未生產之前一樣。

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成功減重整整 12 kg 的 Kelsey,並沒有因為數字上的改變而讓自己停下來,為了讓自己看起來更有線條和健康,她更開始健身之旅程,最終在體重上竟然來了個大逆轉,足足跳升至 64 公斤(跟生產後差不多)!以為這讓 Kelsey 很洩氣了嗎?看了以下這幅對比圖就知道你錯了!

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SCREW THE SCALE || I figured it was time for a friendly, yet firm reminder.? YOU GUYS. PLEASEEEEEE STOP GETTING HUNG UP ON THE NUMBER ON THE STUPUD SCALE! PLEASE STOP THINKING YOUR WEIGHT EQUALS YOUR PROGRESS AND FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING PLEASE STOP LETTING YOR WEIGHT HAVE ANY AFFECT WHATSOEVER ON YOUR SELF ESTEEM, like I used to. To any of you who are where I once was, please listen to me. I am 5' 7" and weigh 140 lbs. When I first started #bbg I was 8 weeks post partum and 145 lbs. I weighed 130 before getting pregnant, so based on nothing besides my own warped perception, I decided my "goal weight" should be 122 and to fit into my skinniest jeans. Well after a few months of BBG and breastfeeding, I HIT IT and I fit into those size 0 jeans. Well guess what? I HAVE GAINED 18 POUNDS SINCE THEN. EIGHT FREAKING TEEN. Also, I have gone up two pant sizes and as a matter of fact I ripped those skinny jeans wide open just the other week trying to pull them up over my knees.? My point?? According to my old self and flawed standards, I would be failing miserably. THANK GOODNESS I finally learned to start measuring my progress by things that matter -- strength, ability, endurance, health, and HAPPINESS. Take progress photos and videos. Record how many push-ups you can do, ect. And if you can, your BFP -- there is only a 5 lb difference between my starting and current weight, but my body composition has changed COMPLETELY. I have never had more muscle and less body fat than I do now. I have never been healthier than I am now. I have never been more comfortable in my own skin than I am now. And if I didn't say #screwthescale long ago, I would have gave up on my journey. So to the little teeny tiny voice in the back of my head that still said "?wtf is this- not 140!???" last week when I stepped on the scale, I say SCREW. YOU. And I think you should probably say the same to your scale too. #byefelicia ???⚖ . . #bbgprogress #transformationtuesday #fit #fitness #workout #fitmom #fitchick #fitfam #fitnesstransformation #beforeandafter #sweat #mysweatlife #girlswithmuscle #girlgains #strongnotskinny

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雖然開始健身之後她的體重直接胖到 64 公斤,不過 64 公斤的她看起來卻比起最輕的 54 公斤來得更健美,身材更均稱!體重增加又怎樣? Kelsey 甚至還可以穿得下自己心愛的 SIZE 0 牛仔褲!

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Text: Girls Editorial
Photo Source: instagram

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