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值得讚賞的修養!Bella Hadid遭酸民留言攻擊「超假整形女」,優雅大方的回覆獲網民激讚!

值得讚賞的修養!Bella Hadid遭酸民留言攻擊「超假整形女」,優雅大方的回覆獲網民激讚!

Trendy 人氣熱話
By Rachel on 06 Apr 2018
Digital Editor

身為明星固然能享受到普通人難以想像的奢華生活和崇拜,但同時也要承受著輿論的壓力還有網民們無時無刻的毒舌攻擊。要知道網絡世界有時候是非常恐怖的,面對酸民們毫不留情的針對和攻擊,有些藝人會選擇默默忍受或無視他們,但也有些不好惹的藝人會正面迎擊,說的就是超模Gigi Hadid的妹妹Bella Hadid!


事緣在日前,一個粉絲帳號Po出了Bella Hadid與同為名模的好友Kendall Jenner的肩並肩合照,並配文「選 Kendall 還是 Bella?」豈料這樣一張養眼又時尚的合照竟引來酸民在下面留言攻擊!


該酸民留言指:「兩個超假的女人,一個整了鼻子,一個做了豐唇,噢!別忘記還墊了顴骨。錢可以給你一張全新的臉,但卻不能給你好的個性 - 這同時也是這兩個女生所缺少的。」

(2 fake b*tches sitting in a tree, first comes the nose job, then come the lips, oh and don't forget the built in cheeks. lmao y'all tripping fam, money can get you a new face but not a nicer personality which these two girls need.)

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誰也沒想到,這則留言居然得到Bella Hadid本尊的親自回覆!面對惡毒的批評,Bella這樣回覆:「我希望你可以了解到我們真正的個性,不僅如此,我也希望你可以掌握好自己的心。祝福你親愛的,嫉妒是渴望著獲得幫助的哭嚎,我真希望能幫到你些什麼!」

(I wish you would know either of our personalities. And not only that, I wish you would only grasp a heart of your own. Blessings to you sweetheart. Jealousy is a cry for help that I wish I could help you with.)

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Bella不帶恨意、大方得體的優雅回覆,獲得了許多網民的讚賞,尤其是那句「Blessings to you sweetheart.」實在是太帥了!

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Text:Girls editorial

Photo Source:Instagram,Pinterest,《Elite Daily》

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