(I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.)
# 「世上沒有不可能的事!」
(Nothing’s impossible! The very word says I’m-possible.)
# 「愛麗絲,你不能總是為了別人而活着,決定權在自己手中,因為當你走出來面對那些怪獸,你就得戰鬥。」
(Alice, you cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours, because when you step out to face that creature, you will step out alone. )
# 「我以前總以為時間是一個小偷,偷走了我們所愛的一切。但時間是先給予再拿走,每天都是一份禮物,每小時,每一分,每一秒。」
(I used to think time was a thief. But you give before you take. Time is a gift. Every minute. Every second.)
# 「沒有什麼比一無所有好,這代表你有能力去擁有更多!」
(It's very easy to take more than nothing. )
# 「凡事都有寓意,只要你肯去找。」
(Everything’s got a moral, if only you can find it.)
# 「如果你不知道你要去哪裡, 那麼現在你在哪裡一點都不重要。」
(If you don’t know where you are going any road can take you there.)
# 「親愛的,我們要一直拚命跑,才能保持在同一個位置;如果你想前進,就必須跑得比現在快兩倍才行。」
(My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that.)
(I've been accused of being Alice and of not being Alice but this is my dream. I'll decide where it goes from here.)
(Have I gone mad? I'm afraid so. You're entirely Bonkers. But I will tell you a secret, All the best people are.)
Text:Girls editorial
Photo Source:Pinterest,《Alice in Wonderland》